Personlig profil


Thomas Neumann is associate professor of commercial law and chairman of the research group CLEAR on crowdfunding. He is the editor-in-chief of the Nordic Journal of Commercial Law and has held various research positions, e.g. head of research, and head of doctoral education at the Department of Law. Neumann’s current research activities involve crowdfunding law, international business law, contract law, sales law, law of obligations, law and technology, and the cybersociety and law. He is chairman of The CLEAR Project – a research group devoted to the analysis and dissemination of legal aspects of crowdfunding.

Neumann has a background as PhD from Aarhus School of Business in 2011 with his dissertation ‘An Exploration of Article 80 CISG’. Subsequently, Neumann won a 1.6 million kroner research grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research for his initiatives on international sales law. From 2009 - 2021 he developed the CISGNordic database providing open access to Nordic jurisprudence. Neumann is a former semi-finalist of the Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot, host of the UN-sponsored conference International Commercial Law from a Nordic and Baltic Perspective 2014 with subsequent release of open source video-conference book and host of the 25th CISG Advisory Council meeting 2018 at Aalborg University.


Head of doctoral studies in law september 2018-2022.
Involvement in the following PhD projects:

- Investorprotection in investment crowdfunding [in progress]. (Primary supervisor)

- The Transfer of Rights and Obligations under Bills of Lading in a Digitalized Age [2023]. (Primary supervisor)

- The U.S.’ Handling Of Tax Secrecy: Anti-Avoidance Measures [2020]. (Secondary supervisor)

- Politiets hemmelige efterforskning på Internettet [2019]. (Assessment committee chairman)

- Enhanced Trademark Protection in the EU and China: a comparative study [2018]. (Primary supervisor)

- Domstolsprøvelse og rimelig sagsbehandlingstid i forældreansvarssager [2017]. (Assessment committee chairman.)

- Incentives and Guarantees for Foreign Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [2014]. (Assessment committee.)

Administrativ profil

Head of Research at the Department of Law at Aalborg University (Oct 2019 - 2021).

Head of doctoral education in law at Aalborg University (Sep 2018 - 2022).

Member of the Dean's Research Advisory Board (May 2020 - 2022).

PBL Digital@SAMF VIP ambassador 2020.

Member of the Study Board (2017-2019).


Named teacher of the year at the faculty of social science at Aarhus BSS 2014.

Currently teaching: Advanced International Sales Law, Law of obligations, and Danish Sales Law.

Previously taught: Comparative private law, international business law, sales law (køberet), law of obligations (obligationsret), international private law, business in china, privacy law, moot courts etc.

Heavily engaged in teaching design involving problembased learning, flipped classroom, and blended learning.

Member of the association of university invigilators in law (censorkorpset for jura).

Member of the association of university invigilators in business and law (censorkorpset for erhvervsjura).

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN's medlemslande enige om 17 Verdensmål til at bekæmpe fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 9 - Industri, innovation og infrastruktur
  • Verdensmål 17 - Partnerskaber for handling

Eksterne ansættelser

International Rapporteur, CISG Online

1 maj 2021 → …

Observatør, CISG Advisory Council

1 nov. 2018 → …

Bestyrelsesmedlem, Juridisk Forskerskole (JurForsk)

1 sep. 201831 dec. 2022

Editor, Albert H Kritzer Database, Pace University

1 jan. 201731 dec. 2021


  • Jura
  • Kontrakter
  • Privatret
  • Køberet
  • Obligationsret
  • Komparativ ret
  • International ret
  • Crowdfunding
  • Alternativ finansiering
  • P2P lån
  • Folkefinansiering
  • Investeringscrowdfunding
  • Donationscrowdfunding
  • Rewardscrowdfunding
  • Start-ups
  • Iværksætteri


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