Projekter pr. år
Haptic Feedback for Hearing Impaired
Ganis, F. (PI (principal investigator)), Serafin, S. (Supervisor), Adjorlu, A. (Supervisor) & Percy-Smith, L. M. (Supervisor)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Ph.d.-projekt
GAMESS: Games for students with Autism as an effective Methodology in Education for the development of Social Skills
Serafin, S. (Projektleder), Adjorlu, A. (PI (principal investigator)), Høeg, E. R. (Projektkoordinator), Nordahl, R. (Bevillingshaver) & Mundbjerg-Sunne, C. B. (Projektkoordinator)
01/08/2022 → 27/02/2024
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning