Personlig profil


I am associate professor for qualitative methods and technology studies. 

Research profile

I am sociologist with a special interest in the analysis of social and embodied interaction and the use and design of (interactive) technologies in and for interaction, such as robots and AI. My theoretical background is rooted in the interpretative paradigm of sociology, especially ethnomethodology and practice theory, which I combine with insights from the field of technology studies, disability studies, organization studies, and participatory design. I mainly use qualitative methods such as video/ethnography and multimodal interaction analysis. In my research I have a strong focus on interdisciplinary collaboration as well as collaboration with external partners.


Scientific areas:

Sociology, Technology Studies, Ethnomethodology, Qualitative Methods, Video/Ethnography, Interaction Analysis, Co-Creation, Human-Centered Design, Robots, AI, Communication Technologies, Human-Robot and Human-computer interaction, Disability Studies, Assistive Shopping

Teaching profile

I teach various courses and supervise student groups mainly in the   Bachelor Program Communication and Digital Media and the Master Program Communication. My teaching encompasses courses on theory and methods. I have courses presenting different approaches especially in the field of practice theory and science and technology studies. I also do teach in research methodology and qualitative methods for example ethnography, video methods, ethnomethodology, multimodal interaction analysis, and co-creation processes. I am Semester Coordinator in Bachelor Program Communication and Digital Media (KDM)

Administrative profile

Co-leader of Research Group “Exploring Qualitative Methods for Participation and Dialogue” (EMPaD)


Member of the Steering Group Aalborg Robotic Challenge (ARC)


Elected Member of “Institutsråd” at the Department of Communication and Psychology


Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN's medlemslande enige om 17 Verdensmål til at bekæmpe fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 3 - Sundhed og trivsel
  • Verdensmål 10 - Mindre ulighed


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