Personlig profil


I have a passion for research that involves the activities, processes, and experiences arising in the meeting between users, information, and information systems in a given context - with the goal of optimizing these to empower users in their task and problem-solving.

My main research interests include Information Retrieval (IR), structured documents in IR, XML IR and user interaction, domain-specific search, understanding user intents and exploiting context in IR, as well as Informetrics/Bibliometrics, citation analysis, and quantitative research evaluation. I publish widely in these areas both internationally and nationally and often co-author with collaborators from a widespread network of researchers. 

I am broadly engaged in program committees and reviewing in the main journals and conferences within the areas covered by my research interests as well as professional organizations nationally and internationally. Additionally, I am an active consultant carrying out research-based scientometric evaluations for universities and governmental agencies. 

I have taken part in a number of research projects, including the ACUMEN EU project that investigated new ways of assessing individual researchers, the PROMISE EU Network of Excellence, that provided a virtual laboratory for conducting participative research and experimentation on complex information systems, the Danish LARM project that built a large-scale humanities research infrastructure for radio and auditory culture research, the CoSound project that investigated how to combine user-generated and automatically extracted analysis of audio streams, the ReACT project that defined a detailed model for wider societal impact of Humanities research, the Community Drive project that investigated how school pupils can use existing open data and self-generated data from electronic sensors for the identification and discussion of social challenges, the ODECO EU Training Initiative that investigates the use of open government data to create social value, and educational designs for building open data skills as well as research networks such as the EU COST MUMIA network which investigated multifaceted access to patent information. I held working group chair in all of these. 

As of November 2023, I have received a total 741 citations in Thomson Reuters Web of Science; (h-index 14), 1,158 citations in Scopus (h-index 18) and 2,666 citations in Google Scholar (h-index 28). 

My teaching areas include several topics in information retrieval (e.g., web, online, and enterprise search), digital libraries, information architecture and web content management, cultural heritage and informetrics/bibliometrics and well as interaction design. A central aspect of my teaching is to enable students to understand the relation between information architecture and information use, and the consequences one has on the other. I see great value in students getting first-hand experience with information systems, and for them to be involved in user experiments and evaluation as a way of making connections between theory and practice, and for enabling them to put new knowledge into action. I teach and am an active supervisor on all levels (BSc, MSc, PhD, post doc as well as continuing education courses).

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN's medlemslande enige om 17 Verdensmål til at bekæmpe fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 4 - Kvalitetsuddannelse
  • Verdensmål 11 - Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund


  • Kommunikation og Informatik


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