Personlig profil


Lasse Bork is professor of finance. His main research interests include asset pricing, financial econometrics and empirical finance. In general, he is interested in macro-finance, i.e. the linkages between the financial markets and the economy, the housing market in general, and energy markets.

His research has been published in leading international journals like Management Science, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Forecasting, and Real Estate Economics. Working papers are available at his personale web page and SSRN.

Eksterne ansættelser

Senior Quantitative Researcher, Norlys Energy Trading A/S

31 maj 2001 → …


  • Erhvervsøkonomi og Handel
  • Financial econometrics
  • Financial markets
  • time series econometrics
  • forecasting
  • monetary economics
  • macroeconomics


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