Projekter pr. år
- 13 resultater
Eco-Nexus: Assessing and Enhancing Strategic Sustainability of the Port of Aalborg as an Infrastructure Hub
Slepniov, D. (Projektkoordinator), Hu, Y. (Projektdeltager), Wang, D. (Projektdeltager), Nowinska, A. U. (Projektdeltager) & Rana, M. B. (Projektdeltager)
30/09/2024 → 31/12/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Green Transitions in Port of Aalborg
Larsen, M. V. (PI (principal investigator)), Roschk, H. (PI (principal investigator)), Lundtofte, F. S. (CoPI), Østergaard, C. R. (CoPI), Slepniov, D. (CoPI), Jakobsen, B. K. (Projektkoordinator), Holm, J. R. (Projektdeltager), Hu, Y. (Projektdeltager), Wang, D. (Projektdeltager), Nowinska, A. U. (Projektdeltager) & Rana, M. B. (Projektdeltager)
30/09/2024 → 31/12/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Research on the embedded mechanism, evolution path and policy making of coordinated regional and industrial development in the new era
Wang, D. (Projektdeltager) & Gao, W. (PI (principal investigator))
15/10/2022 → 15/10/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
The Internationalization Strategies of Multinational Enterprises from Developed and Emerging Markets in the New Era
Wang, D. (Supervisor) & Tao, Y. (PI (principal investigator))
15/12/2021 → …
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Dancing with Giants: A Balancing Act Mutually beneficial coopetitive innovation mechanisms between SMEs and MNEs
Wang, D. (Projektansøger) & Gupta, M. S. (Projektdeltager)
15/12/2021 → …
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
ESG disclosure and implementation by commercial banks
Wang, D. (Supervisor), Wu, J. (PI (principal investigator)) & Fu, X. (Supervisor)
01/09/2019 → …
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions conducted by Chinese MNEs
Wang, D. (Supervisor) & Wu, J. (PI (principal investigator))
01/09/2018 → …
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Ikke startet
ECOLUTION — ERASMUS-EDU-2023 - mastErs COurse on smart sustainability soLUTIONs
Wang, D. (Supervisor)
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
A Comparative Study on Energy Structure Optimization and Low-Carbon Transition in Sichuan, Denmark, and Egypt
Wang, D. (CoPI)
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Supervision of Chinese SDC PhD-student Meng Weina
Wang, D. (PI (principal investigator)), Weina, M. (Projektdeltager) & Simonsen, M. K. (Andet)
15/11/2021 → 14/11/2024
Projekter: Projekt › Ph.d.-projekt
Research on Dynamic Equity Incentives and Continuous Creativity of Start-up Teams from the Perspective of Value Co-creation
Chen, C. (Projektansøger) & Wang, D. (Projektdeltager)
20/07/2019 → 20/10/2022
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Research on the teaching reform based on AAU PBL model
Feng, L. (PI (principal investigator)) & Wang, D. (Projektdeltager)
01/02/2018 → 01/03/2020
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Research on Open Innovation Embedded Mode and PolicyTarget Selection from the Perspective of Industrial Architecture: Taking Wind Power Industry as an Example
Gao, W. (PI (principal investigator)) & Wang, D. (Projektdeltager)
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2021
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning