Personlig profil


Franz Bernhardt is a Political Geographer who is working as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Aalborg University on the ‘Enacting Citizenship and Solidarity: From Below’ (ECS) research project. He has worked most recently as a ESRC Wales Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Geography at Swansea University. He holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Politics from the University of Stirling, a Master of Letters in International Political Theory from the University of St. Andrews, as well as a Ph.D. in Human Geography from Swansea University. For his doctoral thesis, he examined how urban, regional, and national imaginaries of community effected commitments of hospitality towards refugees and asylum seekers. His research on the political geographies of migration, cities, nationalism, and citizenship has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Political Geography, The Geographical Journal, Cultural Geographies and Hospitality & Society and appeared as book chapters in the edited collections Collective Movements and Emerging Political Spaces and Introducing Human Geographies (both Routledge, 2024). His last postdoctoral project examined how the political strive for national independence in sub-state contexts effects attitudes towards the politics of asylum.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Human Geography, PhD, Between City and Nation of Sanctuary- Examining Political Geographies of Asylum and Hospitality in Wales , Swansea University

1 okt. 201622 sep. 2020

Dimissionsdato: 28 jan. 2021

International Political Theory, Master of Letters, The (in)Human Condition- The politics of resentment and forgiveness in the work of Jean Améry and Hannah Arendt, University of St Andrews

1 sep. 201430 nov. 2015

Dimissionsdato: 30 nov. 2015

Politics, Bachelor of Arts with Honours, John Stuart Mill's conception of free speech and the problem of hate speech, University of Stirling

1 okt. 201012 jun. 2014

Dimissionsdato: 12 jun. 2014

Eksterne ansættelser

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Swansea University

1 okt. 202130 sep. 2022


  • Diskurs og samfund
  • Geografi og Geologi
  • Sociologi og Sociale forhold
  • Politik og Administration


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