Personlig profil


My research is within marketing and consumer research. My empirical studies have covered a variety of consumer segments (families, children, young people and mature consumers) in different national and cultural contexts. I am interested in sustainable consumption. I explore everyday culture such as mundane supermarket shopping and extraordinary consumption such as consumption of holidays. I am particularly interested in consumer tensions and resistance, mixed emotions and dilemmas in consumption along with consumer decision-making processes as relational and anchored in practices and contexts. I am interested in branding and advertising both as a tool to understand contemporary values and to understand the connection between companies and their customers.

My work is interdisciplinary, and I draw on multiple disciplines: marketing and consumer research, tourism and experience research, sociological, anthropological, cultural, semiotic and practice theory. I have experience in a range of different qualitative methodologies (long interviews, ethnographic studies, focus groups and advertising analysis), as well as content analysis and studies based on surveys.


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