Projekter pr. år
Personlig profil
Louisa Yong (PhD - University of Salford): A Web-Based Audio Synthesis Resource: A Case Study in Manchester and Salford, 1997–2001
Ian Dobie (PhD - University of Salford): The Impact of New Technologies and the Internet on the Music Industry, 1997–2001
Angela Tinwell (PhD - University of Bolton): Traversing the valley? User response to the uncanny for aspects of facial animation and speech for a virtual character, 2009-2012
Rob Campbell (PhD - University of Bolton): Investigating the combined use of relational agents and attitude change in user acceptance, 2010-2012
Mat Dalgleish (PhD - University of Wolverhampton): Continually unfamiliar: Bringing expressiveness and surprise to musical performance with generative musical artefacts, 2008-2012
Tom Garner (PhD - Aalborg University): Game Sound from Behind the Sofa: An Exploration into the Fear Potential of Sound & Psychophysiological Approaches to Audio-centric, Adaptive Gameplay, 2010-2013
Kristian S. Ross Kristensen (PhD - Aalborg University): Musical Wormhole: Between the Infinity of the Universe and the Limitations of Computer Game Media, 2015-2017
Hans-Peter Gasselseder (PhD - Aalborg University): Re-dramatising the Game Orchestra: Dynamic Music between Minds and Worlds in Video Games, 2014–
Costantino Oliva. (PhD - University of Malta): Digital Games Soundscapes, 2014–2019
Known for research on computer game sound, ultrasound, and presence.
Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)
Computer Game Sound, PhD, The Acoustic Ecology of the First-Person Shooter, University of Waikato
… → 2007
Music Technology, MSc, University of York
… → 1990
Music, BMus(Hons), University of Natal
… → 1988
- Musik
- 1 Lignende profiler
Samarbejde i de sidste fem år
Movement for a Free Academia
Jensen, T. (PI (principal investigator)) & Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (PI (principal investigator))
07/04/2024 → …
Projekter: Projekt › Andet
Urban Greening: Ultrasonics and AI for Sustainable Biodiversity in Cities
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (PI (principal investigator)) & Bemman, B. (PI (principal investigator))
01/04/2021 → 01/04/2022
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Knakkergaard, M. (Projektleder), Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (Projektdeltager), Walther-Hansen, M. (Projektdeltager), Garner, T. A. (Projektdeltager), Kristensen, K. S. R. (Projektdeltager), Brandt, U. E. (Projektdeltager), Ringsager, K. (Projektdeltager), Weinel, J. R. (Projektdeltager) & Christensen, J. (Projektdeltager)
01/02/2012 → 01/02/2019
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Philosophy of Sound
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N., Bull, M. (Redaktør), Verma, N. (Redaktør), Stoever, J. L. (Redaktør) & Schulze, H. (Redaktør), 2029, (Under udarbejdelse) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Sound Studies. Bloomsbury AcademicPublikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceeding › Encyclopædiartikel › Forskning › peer review
Ambiguity and Vagueness in Video Game Sound
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N., 20 jun. 2024, The Oxford Handbook of Video Game Music and Sound. Oxford University Press, s. 271–286 16 s.Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceeding › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Introduction: A Hub World for Game Audio
Gibbons, W. & Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N., 20 jun. 2024, The Oxford Handbook of Video Game Music and Sound. Oxford University Press, s. 1-13 13 s.Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceeding › Forord/Indledning/efterskrift › Forskning › peer review
Less-Is-More: Auditory Strategies for Reduced Reality
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. & Walther-Hansen, M., 15 jun. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgang1 Citationer (Scopus) -
OH-EE-OH-EE-OH-EE-AW-EE-AW! Sound Descriptors in the Books of Tarzan as Facilitators of Presence
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N., 2024, Edinburgh Companion to Literature & Sound Studies. Murphet, J. & Groth, H. (red.). Edinburgh University Press, s. 250–263Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceeding › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Best Paper Award of Audio Mostly 2016
Walther-Hansen, M. (Modtager) & Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (Modtager), 2016
Pris: Konferencepriser
Lund University
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (Gæsteforsker)
1 sep. 2023 → 29 feb. 2024Aktivitet: Gæsteophold ved andre institutioner
Sound and the Feeling of Presence
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (Foredragsholder)
9 maj 2022Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Foredrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed
Sound and the Feeling of Presence
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (Foredragsholder)
9 maj 2022Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Gæsteforelæsning
Keynote – EVA/British Computer Society
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (Foredragsholder)
8 jul. 2019 → 11 jul. 2019Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Keynote – School on Sound, University of Ghent
Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. N. (Oplægsholder)
20 maj 2019 → 24 maj 2019Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Pixel Perfect. The scientist behind the digital cloning of actors
1 element af Mediedækning
Musikproducere mødes med ph.d.-studerende på Aalborg Universitet
1 element af Mediedækning