Bidrag til bog/antologi


  • 2024

    Bridging the Great Divide: Towards collaboration between design and operation

    Haugbølle, K. & Saridaki, M., 1 jan. 2024, Routledge Handbook of Collaboration in Construction. Routledge, s. 178-191 14 s. (Routledge Handbooks).

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  • 2018

    Four Metaphors on Knowledge and Change in Construction

    Haugbølle, K., 2018, Integrating Information in Built Environments: From Concept to Practice. Sanchez, A. X., Hampson, K. D. & London, G. (red.). London, UK: Routledge, s. 245-264 20 s. (CIB).

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    128 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2017

    Client innovation networks

    Haugbølle, K., Gottlieb, S. C., Bertelsen, N. H. & Vogelius, P., 1 jan. 2017, Clients and Users in Construction: Agency, Governance and Innovation. Haugbølle, K. & Boyd, D. (red.). Routledge, s. 229-249

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    1 Downloads (Pure)
  • Defects and insurance: protective mechanism or driver of change

    Haugbølle, K., 2017, Clients and users in construction: Agency, governance and innovation. Haugbølle, K. & Boyd, D. (red.). London, UK: Routledge, s. 103-121

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  • Four metaphors on knowledge and change in construction

    Haugbølle, K., 1 jan. 2017, Integrating Information in Built Environments: From Concept to Practice. CRC Press, s. 245-264 20 s.

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  • Introduction: three research themes

    Haugbølle, K. & Boyd, D., 2017, Clients and users in construction: Agency, governance and innovation. Haugbølle, K. & Boyd, D. (red.). London: Routledge, s. 1-10

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  • Postscript: facing the changing world of clients and users

    Boyd, D. & Haugbølle, K., 2017, Clients and users in construction: Agency, governance and innovation. Haugbølle, K. & Boyd, D. (red.). London, UK: Routledge, s. 250-262

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    1 Citationer (Scopus)
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  • 2015

    Clients shaping construction innovation

    Haugbølle, K., Forman, M. & Bougrain, F., 2015, Construction Innovation. Ørstavik, F., Dainty, A. R. J. & Abbott, C. (red.). 1 udg. London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 119-134

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    Åben adgang
    8 Citationer (Scopus)
  • 2014

    Denmark – building/housing R&D investments

    Haugbølle, K., 1 jan. 2014, R and D Investment and Impact in the Global Construction Industry. Hampson, K. D., Kraatz, J. A. & Sanchez, A. X. (red.). 1 udg. Abingdon & New York, NY: Routledge, s. 81-97 17 s. (CIB).

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    1 Citationer (Scopus)
  • 2013

    Appendix 1: State-of-the-art Denmark

    Vogelius, P. & Haugbølle, K., 2013, SUstainable REfurbishment by public clients: Innovation and procurement strategies and practices. Haugbølle, K., Almås, A.-J., Marteinsson, B., Huovila, P., Bjørberg, S., Vogelius, P. & Nieminen, J. (red.). 1 udg. København: SBI forlag, s. 57-66 10 s. (SBI; Nr. 33, Bind 2013).

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  • Appendix 5: Policy and practices in municipal strategies for sustainable refurbishment

    Vogelius, P. & Haugbølle, K., 2013, SUstainable REfurbishment by public clients: Innovation and procurement strategies and practices. Haugbølle, K., Almås, A.-J., Marteinsson, B., Huovila, P., Bjørberg, S., Vogelius, P. & Nieminen, J. (red.). København: SBI forlag, s. 107-132 26 s. (SBI; Nr. 33, Bind 2013).

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  • Appendix 6: Implementing health and safety strategies in refurbishment

    Haugbølle, K. & Olsen, I. S., 2013, SUstainable REfurbishment by public clients: Innovation and procurement strategies and practices. Haugbølle, K., Almås, A.-J., Marteinsson, B., Huovila, P., Bjørberg, S., Vogelius, P. & Nieminen, J. (red.). 1 udg. København: SBI forlag, s. 133-158 26 s. (SBI; Nr. 33, Bind 2013).

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  • Appendix 7: Revisiting a construction client as change agent – the case of a social housing company

    Haugbølle, K. & Olsen, I. S., 2013, SUstainable REfurbishment by public clients: Innovation and procurement strategies and practices. Haugbølle, K., Almås, A.-J., Marteinsson, B., Huovila, P., Bjørberg, S., Vogelius, P. & Nieminen, J. (red.). 1 udg. København: SBI forlag, s. 159-176 18 s. (SBI; Nr. 33, Bind 2013).

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  • 2011

    Brugere og innovation i byggeriet

    Forman, M. & Haugbølle, K., 2011, Innovation og entreprenørskab. Kristensen, C. J. & Voxted, S. (red.). København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 185-204 20 s.

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  • 2009

    Discussion and conclusion

    Forman, M., Haugbølle, K. & Bougrain, F., 2009, TRANS-USERS: Transforming construction by user-driven innovation. Forman, M., Haugbølle, K. & Bougrain, F. (red.). 1 udg. Hørsholm: SBI forlag, s. 83-92

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  • Introduction: The turn towards consumption

    Haugbølle, K., Forman, M. & Bougrain, F., 2009, TRANS-USERS: Transforming construction by user-driven innovation. Forman, M., Haugbølle, K. & Bougrain, F. (red.). 1 udg. Hørsholm: SBI forlag, s. 7-22

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