Personlig profil



I have an interest in researching and developing both new and improved solutions to enhance the quality of life for people facing various challenges. Throughout my education, I have worked with a range of projects focusing on different solutions, including:

  1. Developing a proof-of-concept solution to provide upper limb prosthetic users with mechanotactile feedback that mirrors the grasp force of the prosthesis
  2. Developing a potential enhancement of a current product by utilizing machine learning and data from IMUs to determine the timing of functional electrical stimulation to improve the gait function of stroke patients
  3. Investigating the differences in muscle activation in the left forearm and thumb when using a lighter reusable duodenoscope compared to a heavier single-use duodenoscope, with the aim of potentially reducing musculoskeletal disorders and pain among endoscopic healthcare personnel


In my current research, I am part of a team investigating the usability of gamified brain-computer interfaces to provide engaging training for people with Cerebral Palsy, aimed at improving their hand function.

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN's medlemslande enige om 17 Verdensmål til at bekæmpe fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 3 - Sundhed og trivsel

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Sundhedsteknologi, Master of Science

sep. 2022jun. 2024

Sundhedsteknologi, Bachelor

sep. 2019jun. 2022


  • Sundhedsteknologi
  • Ingeniørarbejde
  • Brain computer interface (BCI)
  • Elektroencefalografi
  • Elektromyografi
  • Transkraniel magnetisk stimulation
  • Elektrisk stimulering
  • Rehabilitering
  • Gamification
  • Problembaseret Læring
  • PBL
  • Samarbejde
  • Teamwork
  • Medicin
  • Cerebral Parese
  • Neuroplasticitet