Projekter pr. år
- 2 Igangværende
Holistic Sustainability Assessments of Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage Pathways
Ilieva, L. S. (PI (principal investigator)) & Mathiesen, B. V. (Supervisor)
01/02/2023 → 01/02/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Ph.d.-projekt
VALCCAP: Local value creation in carbon capture, storage and use: the development of cross-sectorial business set-ups and pathways
Sperling, K. (PI (principal investigator)), Skov, I. R. (Projektdeltager), Moreno, D. (Projektdeltager), Bang, A. (Projektdeltager) & Ilieva, L. S. (Projektdeltager)
01/10/2022 → 31/12/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning