Personlig profil


I am enrolled PhD student at Aalborg University Business School, where I together with the Port of Aalborg investigate how secondary stakeholders (such a business networks, local governments, universities, or ports) take the role of orchestrators to support the innovation towards sustainable business models and the evolution of industrial ecosystems.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Economics and Business Administration, M.Sc. Innovation, Knowledge, and Entrepreneurial Dynamics

1 sep. 201620 jun. 2018

Dimissionsdato: 20 jun. 2018

Eksterne ansættelser

Research assistant, Ruhr University Bochum

1 nov. 2024 → …


  • Økonomi
  • Circulær Økonomi
  • Bæredygtige forretningsmodeller
  • Miljø
  • Industrielle symbioser


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