1988 …2023

Publikationer pr. år

Konferenceabstrakt i proceeding


  • 2018

    Structuring PBL around students’ own projects: Towards a flipped semester approach

    Andreasen, L. B., Kofoed, L., Kristensen, N. S., Bruun-Pedersen, J. R. & Høeg, E. R., 2018, Proceedings of PBL 2018 International Conference: PBL for the Next Generation: Blending active learning, technology, and social justice. Santa Clara, California, USA, 3 s. (Pan-American Network for Problem-Based Learning).

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  • 2017

    Teachers' development and reflection in the flipped classroom

    Triantafyllou, E., Timcenko, O. & Kofoed, L., 2017, Proceedings of Exploring Teaching for Active Learning in Engineering Education (ETALEE) 2017.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingForskningpeer review

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