Personlig profil


My research explores the effects that economic policy implementation has on SMEs at times of crisis. The goal is to critically asses the measures taken by public Institutions as reaction to the latest Euro Area Financial crisis, proposing a package of measures that would be beneficial, at times of future recession (e.g. Covid pandemic),  for businesses and companies outside of the banking and financial sector. The idea is to promote future intervention also in those markets mostly linked to the real economy, which appeared to suffer the toughest consequences from the crisis. The research will assist companies and policy makers in tackling future downturns, with a consequential effect on the society as a whole, modrating bankruptcies and unemployment. 


I teach in the course of Finance/Finansiering for Bachelor and Master students.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Finance, MSc Finance, An Analysis of Monetary Policy and the Eurozone economy during the sovereign debt crisis., Grenoble Ecole de Management

1 sep. 201430 sep. 2016

Dimissionsdato: 30 sep. 2016

Economics and Finance, Bachelor, The term structure of CDS spreads, an analysis of credit risk, Libera Universita Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli

1 sep. 201130 jun. 2014

Dimissionsdato: 30 jun. 2014

Eksterne ansættelser

Teaching Assistant, Goethe University Frankfurt

1 sep. 201930 mar. 2020

Research Analyst, European Central Bank

1 jun. 201830 maj 2019

Trainee, European Central Bank

1 jun. 201730 maj 2018

Guest Lecturer

1 dec. 201630 apr. 2017


  • Økonomi