Personlig profil


Mette Vinther Larsen is professor (mso) in Leading, Strategizing and Reflexivity at Aalborg University Business School. She holds a PhD (2011) in Strategising through organising and is a member of the research group SOM (Strategising, Organising and Management). 

Mette's research profile lies at the intersection of leading, strategy and management learning with a special focus on reflexivity, relations, sustainability, cricularity, resilience and sensemaking.  In her work, Mette is highly passionate about close collaborations with organizations and participating in developing and strengthening organizational life, leading practices in relational and reflexive ways.

Over the years, Mette has participated in and led multiple seminars, workshops and conferences, where academics and practitioners from municipalities, regions, work councils, consultancy firms, for example, have met, shared insights and perspectives on leading, strategizing and management learning. Furthermore, Mette is regularly invited to participate in developing and discussing strategy work in various private and public organizations.

Mette has held various leadership positions over the years as Head of Full time studies, Vice Head of AAU Business School Research group leader, coordinator of the master program in Organization & Strategy and coordinated various modules on both master and bachelor level.

Mette has published in international journals like Management LearningJournal of Management & Organization, Journal of Management Inquiry, authored and edited books published at Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan and published several books and articles in Danish as well.

At the current moment, Mette's research focuses on especially on the Danish textile and Fashion Industry where she works with teasing out how managers of primarily SME's can lead and strategize in ways that support a circular and sustainable transition for both humans, organizations and society. Furthermore, how the notion of strategic intuition can qualify how to lead and strategize in times where crisis manegement is considered to be everyday management and strategizing. 


Mette Vinther Larsen is professor (mso) in Leading, Strategizing and Reflexivity at Aalborg University Business School. She holds a PhD (2011) in Strategising through organising and is a member of the research group SOM (Strategising, Organising and Management). 

Mette's research profile lies at the intersection of leading, strategy and management learning with a special focus on reflexivity, relations, sustainability, cricularity, resilience and sensemaking.  In her work, Mette is highly passionate about close collaborations with organizations and participating in developing and strengthening organizational life, leading practices in relational and reflexive ways.

Over the years, Mette has participated in and led multiple seminars, workshops and conferences, where academics and practitioners from municipalities, regions, work councils, consultancy firms, for example, have met, shared insights and perspectives on leading, strategizing and management learning. Furthermore, Mette is regularly invited to participate in developing and discussing strategy work in various private and public organizations.

Mette has held various leadership positions over the years as Head of Full time studies, Vice Head of AAU Business School Research group leader, coordinator of the master program in Organization & Strategy and coordinated various modules on both master and bachelor level.

Mette has published in international journals like Management Learning, Journal of Management & Organization, Journal of Management Inquiry, authored and edited books published at Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan and published several books and articles in Danish as well.

At the current moment, Mette's research focuses on especially on the Danish textile and Fashion Industry where she works with teasing out how managers of primarily SME's can lead and strategize in ways that support a circular and sustainable transition for both humans, organizations and society. Furthermore, how the notion of strategic intuition can qualify how to lead and strategize in times where crisis management is considered to be everyday management and strategizing. 

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN's medlemslande enige om 17 Verdensmål til at bekæmpe fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 12 - Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion
  • Verdensmål 17 - Partnerskaber for handling


  • Ledelse og Organisation
  • Strategi og ledelse
  • Kvalitativ forskning
  • Kommunikation
  • Management Learning
  • Organisatorisk forandring
  • Leadership
  • Middle management
  • Bæredygtige strategier
  • Cirkulær økonomi


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