1993 …2024

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Personlig profil


Dr Paul Klumpes is Associate Professor of Accounting at Aalborg University. Previously he was Professor of Accounting at Abu Dhabi University, Nottingham Business School, EDHEC Business School, Roubaix, France, Chair of accounting at Imperial College London and Professor of Risk Accounting at Nottingham University Business School. He holds a DipEd from Aalborg University,  LLB(hons) and a LLM from Open University, a BCom(hons), MCom(hons) and PhD in Accounting from the University of New South Wales. He is also a Fellow of the Australian CPA Society and Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries. Paul has over 50 publications in academically refereed journals. He has received numerous research grants, including the Leverhulme Trust, Research Council UK, Australian Research Council, KPMG, and Danish Free Fonden (Climate Change Reporting by Pension Funds: International Evidence DFF2,3m). His current research interests cover the inter-relationship of climate change and voluntary reporting, auditing regulation, and financial management and control of industrial and financial service sector firms. Paul has prior professional experience in providing executive education courses for Incisive Media Training, and regularly consults to financial, industrial and government organisations in the areas of risk management and reporting issues.


I achieved expected average performance on all taught programmes; first teaching of MSC Finance programme module “Financial modelling” and first teaching of MBA programme new class “sustainable and responsible business”. I achieved above average student evaluations on all modules taught or contributed to (MBA responsible and sustainable business, MSC Finance, Financial Modelling) during the two 2015-2016 teaching terms. I also achieved the highest attainable teaching and supervision scores at Birmingham University Business School’s International Accounting and Finance programme from 2003 to 2019. I have achieved above average teaching performance on the Finansiering course AAUBS 2020-21, Financial Accounting in 2021 and MSC Entrepreneurship in 2021. I achieved above average performance on the EBA supervision in 2021.

I have developed and delivered new Masters level course programmes at EDHEC Business School during 2010-2013 (Financial Analyis, Financial Planning), Nottingham Business School during 2014-2016 (Financial Modelling, Responsible and Sustainable Business) and at AAUBS during 2022 (Responsible and Sustainable Business, Cand MAC programme commencing in Spring 2023). I was also a member of the AAUBS Cand Aud study board in 2019-2020. I coordinated the delivery of the MSC programmes at Warwick University from 2000 to 2003, and developed a new optional module Financial Statement Analysis at the MSC Finance at both Warwick University 2000 to 2003, Imperial College 2003 to 2009 and at EDHEC Business School Nice Campus 2010 to 2013.

I established a partnership and accreditation agreement between Nottingham Business School by CFA Society UK in 2014-5.

I have held external examiner appointments at Nottingham Business School from 2000 to 2003 and at Lancaster University Management School from 2004 to 2009.

I have also been a part-time lecturer at Birmingham Business School from 2003 to 2020, University of Northampton International College from 2018 to 2019 and at University of Leicester in 2019. These positions involved supervision of masters student dissertations in International Accounting and Finance (Birmingham University) and delivery of introductory accounting undergraduate classes.


I have supervised 6 PhD students and 3 DBA students.

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN's medlemslande enige om 17 Verdensmål til at bekæmpe fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 13 - Klimaindsats

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Higher Education, Diploma in Higher Education, Diploma in Higher Education (Practice Based Learning)

6 jan. 202020 dec. 2021

Dimissionsdato: 31 jan. 2022

Law, LLM, Generational accountability of the global commons, The Open University

30 jun. 201430 sep. 2017

Dimissionsdato: 31 dec. 2017

Law, LLB (Hons), The Open University

30 mar. 200030 jun. 2003

Dimissionsdato: 31 dec. 2003

Accounting, PhD, Pension plan financial reporting, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

1 mar. 19911 dec. 1996

Dimissionsdato: 10 okt. 1997

Accounting, MCom(hons), Disclosure effectiveness of financial reporting , University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

1 mar. 198730 jun. 1990

Dimissionsdato: 16 okt. 1990

Accounting, Finance and Systems, BCom hons, financial disclosure effectiveness: evidence from the field, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

1 mar. 198230 jun. 1986

Dimissionsdato: 17 okt. 1986

Eksterne ansættelser

Part-time Dissertation supervisor, University of Birmingham

30 mar. 202030 sep. 2020


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