Personlig profil



  • Electrophysiological systems for pain assessment: stimulation techniques, EMG/EEG acquisition, computer models, signal processing, sophisticated statistical analysis
  • Modeling electrical stimulation of live tissue, Finite Element modeling, nerve excitability modeling (differential equation models), electrode design
  • The neurobiology of the human nociceptive withdrawal reflex: Neuroscience approach, motor control, interaction with central pattern generators
  • Rehabilitation engineering after stroke: gait rehabilitation, electrical stimulation, control engineering, tele-rehabilitation, sensor technology, machine learning, clinical evaluation.

Medlem af ATV

Administrativ profil

Prodekan for forskning og Innovation ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet


[email protected]

telefon +4526713038


  • Sundhedsteknologi
  • bio-instrumentering
  • el-sikkerhed
  • hjernens fysiologi
  • måling fra muskler, nerver og hjerne
  • rehabilliteringsteknologi
  • smertemåling
  • motorisk kontrol


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  • 1 Lignende profiler