Projekter pr. år
Personlig profil
Zakaria Djebbara, a tenure-tracked assistant professor at Aalborg University, explores how the design of physical spaces impacts human cognitive processes. His research focuses on two interconnected areas: first, how the features and potential interactions within built environments guide human attention, and second, how the visual patterns and rhythms people experience while moving through spaces might influence cognitive functions like attention and working memory. Specifically, he examines how the structural elements of environments might create neural synchronization patterns that affect how we perceive and process information. His main methods involve combining Virtual Reality with mobile EEG and tracking the body.
- 1 Lignende profiler
Samarbejde i de sidste fem år
Neuronal and Urban rhythms effect on memory
Huynh, D. C. (PI (principal investigator)), Djebbara, Z. (Supervisor) & Brorson Fich, L. (Supervisor)
01/08/2024 → 31/07/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Ph.d.-projekt
Architecture & Transitions: an enactive and electrophysiological approach to action-perception and transitions
Djebbara, Z. (PI (principal investigator))
01/02/2017 → 01/03/2020
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Adaptive facades for emotionally enriching indoor environments
Beatini, V., Pantilimonescu, F., Djebbara, Z. & Drișcu, M.-C., 1 dec. 2024, I: Journal of Building Engineering . 98, 111472.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
1 Citationer (Scopus) -
Architecture in Mind and Motion: Turning attention in naturalistic paradigms
Djebbara, Z., jun. 2024, (Ikke-udgivet).Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskrift › Konferenceabstrakt til konference › Forskning › peer review
Contemplative neuroaesthetics and architecture: A sensorimotor exploration
Djebbara, Z., King, J., Ebadi, A., Nakamura, Y. & Bermudez, J., feb. 2024, I: Frontiers of Architectural Research. 13, 1, s. 97-111 15 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgangFil5 Citationer (Scopus)92 Downloads (Pure) -
Exploring emotional and neurophysiological responses to architectural atmospheres: Segmentation and Binding in Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2024)
Canepa, E., Putzulo, M., Poratelli, E., Djebbara, Z., Güler, K., Andrighetto, L., Fassio, A., Condia, B., Jelic, A., Avanzino, L. & Scelsi, V., aug. 2024, I: Cognitive Processing. 25, 1 supplement, s. 8 1 s., 67.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Konferenceabstrakt i tidsskrift › Forskning › peer review
Human brain dynamics dissociate early perceptual and late motor-related stages of affordance processing
Wang, S., Djebbara, Z., Sanches de Oliveira, G. & Gramann, K., aug. 2024, I: European Journal of Neuroscience. 60, 4, s. 4639-4660 22 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgangFil1 Citationer (Scopus)7 Downloads (Pure)
Designing Atmospheres: Theory and Science Symposium
Canepa, E. (Bidrager), Condia, B. (Bidrager), Djebbara, Z. (Bidrager) & Mallgrave, H. F. (Bidrager), Zenodo, 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7930280,
Spar Nord Fondens Forskningspris 2021
Djebbara, Z. (Modtager), jul. 2021
Pris: Forsknings- uddannelses og innovationspriser
The effect of architectural affordances on human unconscious: A view from cognitive neuroscience
Djebbara, Z. (Foredragsholder)
6 jun. 2024Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Advances in the Embodied Impact of Affordances
Djebbara, Z. (Oplægsholder), Huynh, D. C. (Oplægsholder) & Brorson Fich, L. (Oplægsholder)
15 sep. 2023Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Lundbeck Foundation Investigator Network (Ekstern organisation)
Djebbara, Z. (Forperson)
2022Aktivitet: Medlemskab › Medlemskab af forskningsnetværk eller ekspertgruppe
Forskningsprojekt vil undersøge samspillet mellem rytmer i hjernen og arkitekturen
1 element af Mediedækning
Forskning i genbrugstræ og arkitekturens påvirkning af hjernen får millionstøtte
2 elementer af Mediedækning
Din krop kan mærke, når rummet er smukt
Brorson Fich, L. & Djebbara, Z.
1 element af Mediedækning
Postdoc på AAU modtager Spar Nord Fondens Forskningspris
1 element af Mediedækning