Personlig profil


Zakka always strives to find better and more realistic decision-making in any domain. Better means looking for more optimal solutions and realistic means providing accurate solutions by modeling the real system closely, including uncertainty & dynamic complexity. His research interests are mainly the fusion of optimization, multi-method simulation, and data science with main applications in the supply chain, energy system, and smart manufacturing. He is now applying his knowledge for designing the future of aseptic production. His detailed background is available at his personal website:

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Industrial Engineering, Ph.D., Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization Framework for Green Automated Storage and Retrieval System, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

feb. 2022okt. 2024

Dimissionsdato: 14 okt. 2024


  • Industri og Produktion
  • Energi


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