Aktiviteter pr. år
There are a variety of ways researchers in this broad community share their work and, in addition to consultations with community groups, this project will also analyze disciplinary adoption and use, including through our community survey and ORCID Registry usage patterns. This will ensure we take an evidence-based approach to conversations about adoption and enable us to understand what kinds of information researchers in these disciplines are connecting to their record -- or want to -- which will then help us prioritize future communications and technical developments.
We envisage this dual approach as a test case for future user engagement work with these and other researcher communities.
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/01/2019 → 31/12/2020 |
- Kingston University
- Australian Academy of the Humanities
- Artrepreneur
- Higher Education Statistics Agency
- University of Colombia
- Austratlian Research Data Commons
- OpenEdition
- Muhlenberg College
- Art360 Foundation
- College of William and Mary
- 1 Organisering af eller deltagelse i konference
Melchiorsen, P. M. (Deltager)
28 jan. 2020 → 30 jan. 2020Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhed › Organisering af eller deltagelse i konference
- 1 Afsluttet
Sandfær, M. (PI (principal investigator)), Ibanez, K. S. H. (Projektleder), Pedersen, D. B. (Projektleder), Lauridsen, N. D. (Projektleder), Steensboe, C. (Projektleder), Larsen, B. (Projektleder), Melchiorsen, P. M. (Projektleder), Hvidtfeldt, R. (Projektdeltager), Lykke, M. (Projektdeltager), Thidemann, N. (Projektdeltager), Hansen, K. K. (Projektdeltager), Høj, A. L. (Projektdeltager) & Stegger Gemzøe, A. (Projektdeltager)
DEFF - Danmarks Elektroniske Fag- og Forskningsbibliotek
15/02/2018 → 31/12/2020
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
- 1 Paper uden forlag/tidsskrift
Dirty PIDs: Let's Roll in the Mud
Melchiorsen, P. M. & Lauridsen, N. D., 2020.Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskrift › Paper uden forlag/tidsskrift › Formidling
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