

The “Advancing Strong Sustainability in the Nordic Social Science and Humanities (StrongSSH)” network takes ‘strong sustainability’ as a point of departure, and it aims to assist Nordic social science and humanities (SSH) research in further developing the field. The network brings together dedicated early career researchers working on food, energy and mobility, to develop a thorough research agenda on strong sustainability during a three-year long workshop series.

By discussing the newest theoretical and methodological developments together with ongoing empirical studies in the field of consumption and sustainability, we aim to identify factors that are important for research and policy to advance strong sustainability in the future. The discussions and collaborations will evolve throughout a workshop series consisting of both digital and in-person sessions, taking place between April 2023 and December 2024.
Kort titelStrongSSH
Effektiv start/slut dato02/01/202331/12/2024


  • Örebro University (leder)
  • University of Copenhagen
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology

FN's verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN-landene enige om 17 verdensmål til at bekæmpe fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Dette projekt bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 7 - Bæredygtig energi
  • Verdensmål 11 - Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund
  • Verdensmål 12 - Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion


Udforsk forskningsemnerne, som dette projekt berører. Disse etiketter er oprettet på grundlag af de underliggende bevillinger/legater. Sammen danner de et unikt fingerprint.