Best practice for Impact Assessment of infrastructure projects in the Nordic Arctic: Popular participation and local needs, concerns and benefits



Guided by a research question asking what is a good process for involvement in Social, Environmental or Human Rights Impact Assessment (IA) from the citizen’s perspective, this workshop (WS) series will advance knowledge on best practice for IA processes with local participation suited to Nordic Arctic contexts. Growing infrastructure (including industry) development in the Nordic Arctic generates needs for assessing the impacts of such projects in order to live up to legal obligations and ensure that social and environmental sustainability travel hand in hand with economic development. The project will collect empirical information through academic engagement with communities, practitioners and firms, and develop this into research, publications and larger research projects on best practice.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/201830/06/2021


  • Copenhagen Business School (leder)
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Lapland