

Design Vocabularies is a book series that clarifies core concepts in design, which are relevant across contexts, disciplines, and scales. The insights communicated in the series are all research-based and link to ‘what we know for now’, but in a straight-forward, operational hands-on manner. Design knowledge is practical knowledge and will be presented in a practical manner in this series as well. Language plays a crucial role in human connection, serving as the cornerstone for constructing and communicating knowledge. Design Vocabularies aims to serve as a framework illustrating the varied expressions and the intricate ways designers communicate their ideas.

Design vocabularies manifest themselves in three ways. First, as words that designers may express themselves with. Second, as ‘more-than-words’ such as diagrams, sketches, mock-up, models, and other ways in which designers articulate their ideas. Thirdly, a design vocabulary is a ‘horizon’ or a frame within which the designer thinks and works. The book series ask of each of its contributors to unearth how their theme connects to these three different forms of vocabulary practice.

The book series is aimed at a general audience, it addresses import design concepts in a short and accessible format. The point is to give a concise introduction to a specific topic in the design language, that is relevant across different design disciplines, such as industrial design, architecture, urban design, or interaction design. The primary audience are students, practitioners, and other thirsting for more knowledge on the conceptual apparatus of design thinking. For students it would be a first introduction into the matter, for practitioners it could be help understanding and communicating better and for the hobbyist it would be the start of a foundational knowledge.

In this short format the aim is to provide the information in a more accessible language. Thereby we aim to have a wider reach compared to regular scientific publications, while at the same time being clear, concise and knowledge building in comparison to popular mainstream press and business literature. The books are not solely meant for professional use but could aid professionals to express themselves better across different contexts and fields.

Professor Ole B. Jensen, Aalborg Universitet
Lektor Linda Nhu Laursen, Aalborg Universitet​
Lektor Markus Löchtefeld, Aalborg Universitet

ISSN (print): 2794-4360
ISSN (online): 2794-8315

Serien er Open Access og udgives af Aalborg University Open Publishing.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/11/2024 → …


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