CAPABLE: empower citizens to active use of their health information



The overall objective of CAPABLE is to enable citizens to actively utilize their clinical and personal health information to manage medication, improve nutrition, and facilitate health services coordination. CAPABLE will assess the efficacy of the tool through a large-scale feasibility study to find the best balance between functionality, security, usability & accessibility, performance, privacy and trust. To meet this objective CAPABLE will a) integrate and transfer health information (interoperability and portability), b) be accessible to all (universal design), c) supplement data from official sources with personal data and notes (patient generated information and personalisation), d) support ease of understanding (health literacy), e) handle information in a safe and controlled way (information security), f) coordinate and administer health information (privacy and ethical considerations), and g) offer advice or warnings (safety).
Kort titelCAPABLE
Effektiv start/slut dato01/04/201930/04/2022


  • UiO:eColab (leder)