Democracy and Globalisation Workshop

  • Flockhart, Trine (Projektdeltager)
  • Tobiasen, Mette (Projektdeltager)
  • Plaschke, Henrik (Projektdeltager)
  • Siim, Birte (Projektdeltager)



    The research group on Democracy and Globalisation at Aalborg University organizes an international workshop on Democracy and Globalisation. One of the objectives is to form a European research network on this theme. The workshop is organised around four themes with associated panels and key-note speakers: 1. Theories about democratisation of the global society - what are the possibilities and barriers?Anthony McGrew (Southampton University) 2. Regulating Power - new forms of governance of global political economy. Heikki Patomäki (Nottingham Trent University & Network Institute for Global Democratisation) 3. Democracy and European Governance in a globalised world. Philippe Schmitter (European University Institute) 4. Global Civil Society - what is its democratic potential? Alejandro Colas (Sussex University) The two-day workshop will be organised 4-5 May, 2003 at Gl. Vrå Manor, a short drive from Aalborg.
    Effektiv start/slut dato04/05/200305/05/2003