Detecting Transcultural Identity in European Popular Crime Narratives

  • Hansen, Kim Toft (PI (principal investigator))
  • Gemzøe, Lynge Stegger (Projektdeltager)
  • Landorff, Laura (CoI (co-investigator))
  • Saunders, Robert A. (CoI (co-investigator))
  • Chow, Pei Sze (CoI (co-investigator))



    The Horizon 2020-project DETECt addresses the formation of European cultural identity as continuing process of transformation fostered by the mobility of people, products and representations across the continent. Because of the extraordinary mobility of its products, popular culture plays a decisive role in circulating representations that constitute a shared cultural asset for large sectors of the European society. The project examines examples of crime fiction, film and TV dramas from 1989 to present, to learn how mobility strategies such as co-production, serialization, translation, adaptation, distribution, and more, have influenced the transnational dissemination of European popular culture. It also investigates how the treatment of specific ‘mobile signifiers’ – including representations of gender, ethnic and class identities – affect the ability of European narratives to migrate outside their place of origin, and be appropriated elsewhere in different and variegated ways. Researching the contemporary history of the crime genre in Europe, DETECt aims to identify the practices of production, distribution and consumption that are best suited to facilitate the emergence of engaging representations of Europe’s enormously rich, plural and cross-cultural identity. The knowledge acquired through a detailed research programme will be used in cultural, learning and public engagement initiatives designed to prompt the elaboration of new transnational formats for the European creative industries. These activities will profit from a set of experimental research and learning resources and innovative collaborative tools, aggregated and organized on DETECt Web portal which will be introduced here. A range of activities will be addressed to the general public and announced here. In particular, the development of a Web mobile app tools will allow users to contribute to the creation of a collaborative atlas of European crime narratives.

    The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 770151.

    Project Coordination
    Prof. Monica Dall’Asta (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna)

    Aalborg Universitet (Denmark)
    Aarhus Universitet (Denmark)
    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
    Universitatea din Bucuresti (Romania)
    The Queen’s University of Belfast (Ireland)
    Université de Limoges (France)
    Debreceni Egyetem (Hungary)
    Link Campus University (Italy)
    Miso Film (Denmark)
    Panepistimio Ioanninon (Greece)
    Umea Universitet (Sweden)
    Fonden Visitaarhus (Denmark)
    Bibliocité-Bibliothèque des Littératures Policiers (France)
    Université Paris Nanterre (France)
    Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany)
    TV2 Denmark (Denmark)
    Deutsche Film-und Fernsehakademie (Germany)
    Effektiv start/slut dato01/04/201831/10/2021


    • TV 2 Danmark A/S
    • Miso Film


    • Horizon Europe: 18.750.444,12 kr.


    • Euronoir
    • transcultural identity
    • crime narratives
    • production studies
    • cultural representation
    • audience studies


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