Developing a Team-Based Framework for the Optimization of Self-Assessment in Continuous Improvement Activities (network project)



    The process of conducting self-assessment provides organizations with not only the opportunity to identify ? and subsequently target ? areas in need of improvement, but also the basis for establishing rich dialogue concerning Continuous Improvement (CI). When this dialogue is structured appropriately, it can be key in helping members of the organization build a common language and in facilitating learning regarding CI. The initial objective of the project involved developing a framework for implementing and conducting SA that would encourage and support CI and organizational learning at the shop-floor team level. Specifically, this framework was intended to explore and test how SA could be a vehicle for the development of such team skills as knowledge sharing, cross-functional cooperation, and implementing improvement activities. The study has since expanded to incorporate middle management team development, and to address the improvement and coordinatation of cross-functional cooperation in the production facility and communication throughout the organization. Structured as a longitudinal study at Dandy A/S in Vejle, Denmark, the project is bringing action research methods to bear on self-assessment workshops with members of top management, ?train-the-trainer? workshops and team development for production team leaders, and weekly production team meetings in two separate divisions within the company. The project includes descriptions of the process of self-assessment being conducted at each of the organizational levels as well as the improvement activities and organizational changes that have occurred subsequent to the implementation of the self-assessment process. Finally, the research experiences derived from the case company?s application of the self-assessment tool will be used to revise and further the development of the Continuous Improvement Self-Assessment Tool (CISAT) in tandem with the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI). CIP project group: Frances Jørgensen (Ph.D. researcher), Associate Professor Frank Gertsen (primary advisor), Professor Harry Boer (associate advisor). In addition, this project is central to the CIP network project entitled ?Continuous Improvement, Self-Assessment and Implementation Network Project?. External partners: John Bessant, Brighton University CENTRIM. Network partners in CINet. Case company: Dandy A/S, Vejle Project duration: July 2000 ? July 2003
    Effektiv start/slut dato31/12/200331/12/2003