Developing and testing interventions to improve continuity of care in patients with bladder cancer



The overall purpose of this study is to improve continuity of care as insufficient continuity throughout the care pathway is recognized as one of the main problems in cancer care. The aim is to develop and test person-centred hospital interventions that address relational, informational and managerial components of continuity of care in patients with bladder cancer. In order to increase patient safety and patient satisfaction and reduce hospitalization and length of stay. Lack of continuity is associated with poorer survival whereas continuity of care is associated with increased adherence to medications and reduced medical errors. The activities within the study is; a scoping review, cross-cultural adaption of a continuity of care questionnaire, co-creation design with workshops among patients and health professionals, development of interventions, survey among patients at baseline and at follow up, testing and effect evaluation of interventions.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/202130/11/2023

FN's verdensmål

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  • Verdensmål 3 - Sundhed og trivsel


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