A strategic alliance has been established between Risø National Laboratory and Aalborg University to strengthen Danish industry in the electrical-engineering development of wind turbines. This alliance covers research and development in electrical design of wind generators and their accomodation into the existing power system. The goals are to produce new knowledge on how to analyse and develop the electrical systems of windturbines, to enable wind generators to be implemented in the power system, and to contribute to the education of suitably qualified personnel. The alliance is meant to develop the actual research area through joint projects. A joint international programme for young researchers and exchange of researchers between Aalborg University and Risø is also included in the project. Technologies and methods will be developed to control the varying wind energy just as accurately as other power plants are controlled today. The following projects are active in the programme: * Conceptual Survey of Generators and Power Electronics for Wind Turbines * Simulation of Wind Turbine Power Plant * Other projects. (Frede Blaabjerg, John K. Pedersen; Peter Hauge Madsen, Erik Lungtang Petersen, Risø, VEA)
Status | Igangværende |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 19/05/2010 → … |