NEED: An increasing ageing population and the associated need for healthcare services have heightened government attention on assisted living technologies, promoting the growth of this market in Europe. Early stages of technological and market development and limited awareness about the advantages of assisted living technologies threaten growth prospects. However, product customisation will help mitigate these challenges ( The established design method of co-creation, if adapted, would provide designers with the tools/skills they need to customise successful products. The theory of co-creation is well established within academia, however, is not so recognised in industry. Co-creation is where designers and users work together to develop new products. Given the market potential for assisted living products and the lack of a current methodology for co-creating with typical users of assistive technologies it is timely to transfer innovation to provide designers with the skills and tools required which will enhance their competitiveness.
AIM: The project will transfer innovation in co-creation proven to engage the general public in designing successful products and play methodology proven to be effective in engaging disadvantaged populations with a view to equipping 40 professional designers, working in the assisted living market.
1. To understand play learning within environments where the end users have communication and expression difficulties
2. To adapt play learning techniques and develop a toolset and training material for designers to enable them to co-create products which better meet user needs
3. To understand the needs of designers when designing for specific markets i.e. older people and people with specific needs such as, sensory impairments
4. Investigate the needs of older people and people with specific needs
CONSORTIUM: An Advisory Group (AG), made up of the Design Council UK and Howest will govern the project. They will be joined by industry & research institutions in each country representing the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Portugal. They will contribute existing projects and expertise in, design, e-learning, assisted living and health to develop the project material.
OUTCOMES: 1)Industry survey 2)User & Designer needs survey 3)Prototype course and tools developed 4)Legally informed consent and IP waiver developed for use by designers in co-creation 5)Co-creation work shops, training materials and tools completed and tested resulting in a final tool and course development 6)Dissemination of a recommended toolset
IMPACT: Greater understanding and awareness of the needs of the target groups and a set of tools and training for industrial product designers working in the assisted living market. Better and more viable design innovations in terms of user experience and usability within the European assisted living market as a direct result of closer correlation with customer needs.
AIM: The project will transfer innovation in co-creation proven to engage the general public in designing successful products and play methodology proven to be effective in engaging disadvantaged populations with a view to equipping 40 professional designers, working in the assisted living market.
1. To understand play learning within environments where the end users have communication and expression difficulties
2. To adapt play learning techniques and develop a toolset and training material for designers to enable them to co-create products which better meet user needs
3. To understand the needs of designers when designing for specific markets i.e. older people and people with specific needs such as, sensory impairments
4. Investigate the needs of older people and people with specific needs
CONSORTIUM: An Advisory Group (AG), made up of the Design Council UK and Howest will govern the project. They will be joined by industry & research institutions in each country representing the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Portugal. They will contribute existing projects and expertise in, design, e-learning, assisted living and health to develop the project material.
OUTCOMES: 1)Industry survey 2)User & Designer needs survey 3)Prototype course and tools developed 4)Legally informed consent and IP waiver developed for use by designers in co-creation 5)Co-creation work shops, training materials and tools completed and tested resulting in a final tool and course development 6)Dissemination of a recommended toolset
IMPACT: Greater understanding and awareness of the needs of the target groups and a set of tools and training for industrial product designers working in the assisted living market. Better and more viable design innovations in terms of user experience and usability within the European assisted living market as a direct result of closer correlation with customer needs.
Akronym | EPID |
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/09/2011 → 31/08/2012 |
- BNO Association of Dutch Designers: Patrick Aarts (Projektpartner)
- Innovationcenter in Housing for Adapted Movement: Peter Deboutte (Projektpartner)
- Delft University of Technology (Projektpartner)
- Coventry University: Cherie Lebbon (Projektpartner)
- Arcil, Portugal (Projektpartner)
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