This project comprises a feasibility study, to provide basic design information for a battery electric vehicle for use in an urban environment, having a four-wheel drive system, with electric motors mounted in the wheels. The drive system is required to provide forward and reverse drive, and braking with energy recovery. A single central control system is to control all four wheels in a suitable manner. The project is to provide preliminary design information for a number of different in-wheel drive arrangements, so that the vehicle designers may make a good design choice for the next generation of electric vehicle. In the period, alternative designs of in-wheel electric motor drive have been studied. Future work will study the design of the converters and control required. The project is financially supported by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Ewen Ritchie, Peter Omand Rasmussen, Michaela Zamastil; Lucian Tutelea, T. U. Timisoara, Romania; K. E. Westergaard, Consys A/S; Paul Thøgersen, Søren Vammen, Danfoss A/S) This project was closed by issuing the final report "Survey of Wheeel Drive Candidates for Battery Electric City Car" in March 2002.
Status | Igangværende |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 19/05/2010 → … |