Fieldwork at EuViz 2018: European Conference for Visual Practitioners - in relation to PhD project



In relation to my PhD project with the preliminary title: "Graphic facilitation in organisational and educational settings", I participated in the EuViz: European Conference for Visual Practitioners in July 31st - August 2end 2018, Rungsted, Copenhagen. Here, I gained insights on the different definitions of which terms practitioners use to describe their visual practices. Here, 'visual facilitation' seems to be a current term as it occur in David Sibbet's ending keynote mapping "The world of visual practice" and was a part of the title of a new international book gathering stories from 50 practitioners in the field. It was the initial phase of the book process which has now been published: Blijsie, J., Hamons, T. and Smith, R. S. ed., 2019. The world of visual facilitation. Unlock your power to connect people & ideas. Holland: The Visual Connection Publishers. My fieldwork from the conference was captured in audio-recordings, notes and drawings (Causey, 2017) and is an ongoing part of my PhD project. Here you can find a drawing regarding the term visual facilitation.


Insights from fieldwork: A tendency of a shift from the term: 'graphic facilitation' to 'visual faciltation' among practitioners and facilitators including drawings in their work.
Effektiv start/slut dato31/07/201802/08/2018


  • Graphic facilitation
  • Visual facilitation
  • PhD project
  • Fieldwork
  • Drawings