HECATE aims to deliver transformative technologies considering HVD for the electrical distribution of hybrid electric regional aircraft. The project develops critical technologies for high-power, high-voltage and certifiable electrical distribution architectures capable of enabling hybrid-electric propulsion for regional platforms. The technology enablers at TRL5 in hybrid-electric propulsion for regional platforms can impact other aerospace domains such as UAM, SMR. Such architectures will drive the reduction of aircraft greenhouse gases toward the objectives of -30% net GHG emission reduction by 2035 and of zero emissions by 2050.
Kort titel | HECATE |
Akronym | HECATE |
Status | Igangværende |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/01/2023 → 31/12/2025 |
- Collins Aerospace
- Horizon JU Innvation Action: 254.867.092,60 kr.
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