Integrated governance of Baltic herring and salmon stocks involving stakeholders



Integrating several stakeholder perspectives or policy sectors in one governance framework is assumed to enhance the coherency and efficiency of policy making and improve the acceptability and resiliency of decisions. BONUS GOHERR analyses the integrated governance of Baltic herring and salmon stocks in a collaborative context involving stakeholders. The aim is to investigate 1) what are the socio-cultural and political prerequisites for successful integrated fisheries governance, and what kind of institutional, organisational, structural and attitudinal flexibility is needed, 2) if and how integrated fisheries governance can benefit the sector based management of Baltic herring and salmon, the stakeholders, and finally consumers in terms of reduced dioxin content in fish, and 3) how integrated governance at the regional level can be linked to governance at the national and international level. The project will combine sociological and biological research by using Bayesian decision analysis, multi-criteria decision analysis, value of control (VOC) analysis and value of information (VOI) analysis. The project is expected to increase the understanding of integrated governance. It will suggest ways for bridging policy sectors and stakeholder perspectives in ecosystem based governance. The project also produces new knowledge related to the interaction between Baltic salmon and herring stocks.


A project designed to include stakeholder perspectives and the sociocultural importance of Baltic herring and Balatic salmon into ecosystem based management of the stocks.
Kort titelGoHerr
Effektiv start/slut dato01/04/201530/06/2018


  • University of Helsinki (leder)
  • National Institute for Health and Welfare
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


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