Learn4Health. Total Budget 3.150.000 DKK

  • Fisker, Anna Marie (Projektleder)
  • Heilmann, Anna Eva Utke (Andet)
  • Bagger, Nini Camilla (Andet)



The objective of Learn4Health is to employ children’s everyday food and health practices as learning and teaching contexts for developing problem-based activities, placing pupils in hands-on authentic food activities in everyday contexts. Further, development and assessment of instruments to meet the integration of food practices across different educational and food contexts and aiming at creating sustainability on food and nutrition reforms efforts by providing key professional development activities for teachers in the process of making them Learn4Health ambassadors.
12 organisations have come together to develop, implement and evaluate new and innovative tools, methods and approaches to Hands-on Food Activities (HOFAs) with the goal of improving health and nutrition and prevent obesity for children now and in the long term.


To enhance the food literacy of children, Learn4Health has successfully developed, implemented and evaluated new and innovative objectives in relation to food, eating, nutrition and health. The activities combine practical and scientific knowledge and experience, placing the children in learning and teaching opportunities in everyday food contexts. This provides the teachers and pupils to work problem-based, providing real everyday food contexts and through co-creation, creating new possibilities, experiences and action competencies as for example farm-to-table approach through new skills, and methods. The pupils have also gained entrepreneurial skills, worked with gardening, kitchens, and other food related contexts, and the methods developed during the project period, have also included possibilities of combining Hands-on Food Activities with other school subjects. The project has successfully developed 8 Hands-on Food Activities. Further, the children have also been working with practitioners in the field of food and food systems, where local food professionals have provided the pupils with insight to i.e. farming. The combination of practice and research within everyday food contexts has proven to increase the food knowledge within the pupils, providing them with action competencies to act and react in a better, more sustainable and healthy way in regards to food and food surroundings now and in the future.
To secure the sustainability of the Learn4Health project, all of the Hands-on Food Activities, the results and the assessments are collected in the HOFA Handbook.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/201631/08/2019


  • Arden Skole (Projektpartner)
  • Open University of Catalonia (Projektpartner)
  • Fundació Escoles Garbí (Projektpartner)
  • Osnovna sola Franceta Preserna Crensovci (Projektpartner)
  • Karmelava Balys Buracas Gymnasium (Projektpartner)
  • Haworth Primary School (Projektpartner)
  • Wageningen University & Research (Projektpartner)
  • Schoolvereniging de hoge hof (Projektpartner)


  • Maddannelse
  • Børn
  • Tværfagligt samarbejde
  • Børn og sundhed
  • børn og mad


Udforsk forskningsemnerne, som dette projekt berører. Disse etiketter er oprettet på grundlag af de underliggende bevillinger/legater. Sammen danner de et unikt fingerprint.
  • World Congress on Food Science and Technology

    Fisker, A. M. (Deltager), Heilmann, A. E. U. (Deltager) & Bagger, N. C. (Deltager)

    15 jul. 201917 jul. 2019

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i konference

  • 12th International Expert Symposium

    Fisker, A. M. (Deltager) & Heilmann, A. E. U. (Deltager)

    16 feb. 2019

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i konference

  • World Food Summit 2018: Case Competition

    Fisker, A. M. (Arrangør), Heilmann, A. E. U. (Arrangør) & Bagger, N. C. (Arrangør)

    29 aug. 201831 aug. 2019

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar, udstilling eller lignende

  • HOFA Handbook

    Fisker, A. M. (Redaktør), Bagger, N. C. (Redaktør), Heilmann, A. E. U. (Redaktør), Christensen, J. H. (Illustrator), Hjort, A. S. (Illustrator) & Thorn, A. E. (Illustrator), 2019, 157 s. Aalborg : Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University.

    Publikation: AndetAndet bidragForskning

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  • Learn4Health- New Innovation Approaches to Teaching Children about Food, Nutrition and Health

    Fisker, A. M., Heilmann, A. E. U. & Bagger, N. C., 2019, s. 10.

    Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper uden forlag/tidsskriftForskningpeer review

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  • Learn4Health Scientific Publications: Paper Collection

    Fisker, A. M. (Redaktør), Clausen, K. S. (Redaktør), Heilmann, A. E. U. (Redaktør), Bagger, N. C. (Redaktør) & Vernooij, A. (Redaktør), 26 jul. 2019, Department of Civil Engineering : Aalborg University. 56 s. (Technical Report; Nr. 278).

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportAntologiForskningpeer review

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