In Spring 1997, a research programme called Local Compensation was started. The programme theme is Power Quality and the application of power electronic devices to improve power quality at the distribution level. The concept Power Quality, PQ, covers the combination of reliability and voltage quality. The level of PQ is determined by the combined effect of all disturbances caused by the utility, the customers, non-linear loads, the local energy producers and other commercial operators supplying the customers. Standards, recommendations, guidelines and requirements from the utility control the division of responsibility. Distortion limits for individual customers, and tariffs that encourage customers to reduce distortion are applied. There are several measures to solve the problems, but a technical-economic optimum is obtained by close co-operation between all parties. Besides reinforcement of the network with new lines and installation of discrete voltage controlled apparatus the utility may solve its part of the responsibility in the optimising process by applying a new type of power electronic apparatus, called Custom Power Systems, CUPS. Currently, three research projects are connected to the research programme with the titles: 1. Design and Control of Power Converters for CUPS 2. Employment and Control of CUPS 3. Broadband modelling of the Distribution Network. (John Godsk Nielsen, Hyosung Kim, Martin Høghdal, Brigitte Bak-Jensen, Hans Nielsen, Frede Blåbjerg, John K. Pedersen, Elfor)
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 31/12/2003 → 31/12/2003 |