Aktiviteter pr. år
The project investigates the user experience of living in Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB). One newly erected youth housing complex at Aarhus Harbor is the subject of analysis. The project is made as a case studie and planned to comprise several smaller (interrelated) studies, including among others an evaluation of the technical performance of the buildings, and how the inhabitants’ daily lives influence the performance of the building. The studies clarifies some general characteristics of the user group and identifies sub groups within the relatively homogeneous group, which represent different practices within and approaches to the energy-efficient building.
Kort titel | Mini Manhattan |
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/10/2015 → 31/08/2019 |
Udforsk forskningsemnerne, som dette projekt berører. Disse etiketter er oprettet på grundlag af de underliggende bevillinger/legater. Sammen danner de et unikt fingerprint.
- 1 Foredrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed
Arkitektur - Brugeren og den energieffektive bolig - Det store Havnehus
Anne Kirkegaard Bejder (Foredragsholder) & Mary-Ann Knudstrup (Oplægsholder)
22 mar. 2018Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Foredrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed
Young people living in Danish Nearly Zero Energy Youth Housing – a study about user characteristics and variations in heat consumption
Bejder, A. K., Knudstrup, M-A. & Brunsgaard, C., 2021, (Under udarbejdelse) I: Indoor and Built Environment.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Brugen af Det Store Havnehus - Brugeradfærd og Vaner: Spørgeskemaundersøgelse
Bejder, A. K. & Knudstrup, M-A., 2017, Arkitektur & Design (A&D Files). 46 s. (Skriftserie: Arkitektur & Design (A&D Files), Bind nr. 106).Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning
How user practice and habits impact the energy consumption in nearly zero energy youth housing in Denmark
Bejder, A. K., Knudstrup, M-A. & Brunsgaard, C., 3 jul. 2017, s. 639. 1 s.Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskrift › Konferenceabstrakt til konference › Forskning › peer review
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