EU 4th. framework project
MANICORAL er et samarbejde mellem en gruppe geofysikere i Europa, CSCW og HCI/L forskere fra humaniora med det formål at udvikle et kollaborativt visualiseringsværktøj til brug for at styrke forskningssamarbejde mellem geofysikere.
MANICORAL is a large European R&D-project on Multimedia And Network In Co-operative Research And Learning (MANICORAL). The project developed the methodology of Dialogue Design, drawing on two sources: Participatory Design and Dialogue Research.
In Dialogue Design the carrying principal is mutual learning, focus is on working life of high resource groups, and these users are themselves developing parts of the technologies. The techniques applied and the role of the HCI/L-researcher as mediator creating fora for dialogues are introduced and reflected upon, and Dialogue Design is discussed within the theoretical concepts of communication and learning.