Nordplus Horizontal



Nordplus Horizontal - This project is the initial planning phase of a Nordic network about computer games in education,
game culture and gamification in school and education settings. The proposed network should be an
arena where researchers, teacher trainers, teachers and game designers collaborate and share ideas,
research findings and resources which could make it easier for schools or individual teachers to include
educational games in learning environments and gamify learning in a creative and effective way. Three
workshops are planned and the project will also include work on a website - a web based prototype of
open learning objects repository relevant to computer games and gaming in education.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/06/201501/02/2016


  • NO-The Nord-Trøndelag University College (NO) (Projektpartner)
  • The Comprehensive College/Comprehensive Secondary School at Ármúli (Projektpartner)
  • SmartFeet (Projektpartner)
  • University of Iceland (Projektpartner)


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