

“The CXD is a unique hollow mechanical joint characterized by its compactness, performance and wearability. The optimisation and testing of the CXD as a shoulder orthosis on patients with upper extremity impairment is required. Simultaneously, adding an actuation system will allow the CXD to become a standard mechanical joint in the exoskeleton market, without a current competitor.
The goal of this project is to improve its mechanical design with less friction, enough stiffness and better compactness. Two functional CXD mechanisms will be implemented into orthoses for real users in cooperation with an external partner. User testimonials and statements will be used to validate the use of the CXD as a shoulder orthosis. A shoulder/arm exoskeleton prototype with powered actuation will also be manufactured. Validation of the Business Case, contact partners and investors, and draft a road map for the future spin-off company.”
Effektiv start/slut dato01/06/201801/03/2019