Promoting Positive Online Experiences for Children

  • Brooks, Eva (Projektleder)
  • Christiansen, Line Gad (Projektdeltager)



The project is a Thematic Network funded by the European Commission, Action 3.1. Petersson Brooks participate as a network member and an expert advisor.

The objectives of the thematic network according to the call are to
‐ Exchange good practices, issues and challenges in provision of content to young children,
including the business model and make recommendations to enhance production and
dissemination of positive content across Europe
‐ Discuss feasibility and requirements of a safe browser for kids / collation of white lists including
suggestions on moderation and rating of websites for children
‐ Make proposals for the roll over of a European wide competition
‐ Provide a report with overview on the market for positive content for children in Europe.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/11/201201/05/2015


  • My Child (Projektpartner)
  • Landeszentrale für Medien und Kommunikation (LMK) (Projektpartner)
  • (Projektpartner)
  • fragFINN e.V (Projektpartner)


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