Software reliability for critical infrastructures: Co-Development, Implementation and wider application of solutions in Pilot Infrastructures such as Storm Surge Barriers



A non-tangible force facilitates continuously the smooth functioning of our daily lives: software! Control software for critical water infrastructures must have a very low failure rate to protect us and our economies from disasters.

Most operating control software of ageing infrastructure has been programmed decades ago. Not overseeing the following three facts will result in malfunction, causing severe socio-economic damages: 1) software has a “lifetime” and does undergo a process of decay, 2) software undergoes transformation towards more innovative applications and novel techniques are required, 3) software needs to be maintained to be operational.

STORM_SAFE improves digital resilience & performance reliability of critical infrastructure of NSR water sector landmarks (i.e. national system of locks/sluices in FR; storm surge barriers NL; Coastal/City pilots DK, SE, BE) at all times. This is reected in the cost-intensive budget and will lower the risk of operating system & hardware failure, reducing dire consequences of
fatalities and socio-economic damage. The upsurge of extreme storms highlights that climate-adaptive resilience through reliable software is paramount and urgent.

STORM_SAFE will produce, test and pilot a comprehensive, yet modular strategy on how to check, improve and plan reliability of software in co-operation with the “real sites”. For this emerging and highly innovative thematic area of software reliability, a strong pooling of knowledge from both universities and responsible authorities is structured into 4 WPs. A consequent co-design and co-implementation will be ensured between the “innovation players” (universities, research departments in authorities, SME) and the “infrastructure owners”.
Transnational cooperation in this innovative field of knowledge will boost territorial resilience and pools a wide range of entities for an EU-wide applicable strategy and joint pilot implementations and wider dissemination, application and replication.


Water level management in fjords and rivers, protecting infrastructure from floods while maintaining ship operations and healthy water ecosystems.
Kort titelSTORM_SAFE
Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/202431/12/2027


  • Rijkswaterstaat (Projektpartner) (leder)
  • University of Twente (Projektpartner)
  • Voies navigables de France (Projektpartner)
  • Göteborgs kommun (Projektpartner)
  • Fjordgruppen (Medansøger)
  • Kystdirektoratet (Projektpartner)
  • Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschut (Projektpartner)
  • Eindhoven University of Technology (Projektpartner)
  • Lund University (Projektpartner)
  • Universität des Saarlandes (Projektpartner)
  • Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (Projektpartner)

FN's verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN-landene enige om 17 verdensmål til at bekæmpe fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Dette projekt bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 9 - Industri, innovation og infrastruktur
  • Verdensmål 11 - Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund
  • Verdensmål 14 - Livet i havet


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