"The Child and Curriculum". An interdisciplinary research project financed by Swedish Research Council



Research project financed by Vetenskapsrådet, Sweden (with Umeå University and University of Gothenburg)
The project aims to generate new knowledge on children’s existential questions as educational concerns, both as expressions of their worldviews and as questions seeking knowledge that are calling for educational responses. Children’s existential questions, are compared with material from 1970s and onwards. Responses in curricula from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany, as well as teachers’ work are examined. The crucial question is what encounter takes place between the Child and Curriculum

Professor Mette Buchardt conducts the historical sub project based on archival material from experimental development projects concerning children's so called life questions 1970s to early 2000s, (Umeå University Library Archive) together with Senior Lecturer Katarina Kärnebro, Umeå University


Hvordan blev børns livsspørgsmål interessante for skolen? Hvad var og er de og hvordan er de historisk og nutidigt søgt integrereret i læreplanen/curriculum i Sverige?
Dette 4 årige forskningsprojekt forsøger ved hjælp af historie, uddannelsespsykologi og - etnografi og pædagogisk filosofi og -etik at kaste lys over et meget omtalt men lidet udforsket emne


Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/201931/12/2022


  • Svenska Vetenskapsrådet: 4.683.072,00 kr.


  • History of Education
  • Children
  • Sweden
  • Curriculum