Aktiviteter pr. år
While the technology to built upon may be available for the development of consumer-centric electricity markets, it is clear that other challenges exist at the institutional level and in terms of policy and regulation. A basic and clear example of that situation lies in the fact that a household today may not sell directly electricity to another neighboring household. Similarly one may not directly and in real buy electricity from a given wind farm.
Our aim in this WP is to identify these challenges that are not of technological nature, and toanalyze how those may be handled under existing or a new governance framework. It is to be noted that blockchain technology might be adopted as backbone in various branches of our economies, and parallels to the energy sector may be drawn.
Kort titel | The Energy Collective |
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/04/2017 → 30/03/2020 |
- Technical University of Denmark (leder)
Transformative Technologies
Hasberg, K. S. (Deltager)
30 jan. 2020 → 2 feb. 2020Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhed › Organisering af eller deltagelse i konference
Tagung zukünftige Stromnetze 2020: Vom Verteilnetz zum Netz des Zusammenspiels
Hasberg, K. S. (Oplægsholder)
29 jan. 2020Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Data for power and power over data. Über die Macht der Informationssysteme in der Energiewende
Hasberg, K. S. (Oplægsholder)
5 dec. 2019Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
- 3 Afsluttet
IREMB - Innovative Re-making of Markets and Business Models for a renewable energy system based upon wind power
Caussarieu, M. (PI (principal investigator)) & Karnøe, P. (PI (principal investigator))
01/02/2018 → 31/10/2019
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
ENSYSTRA: Energy Systems in Transition
Otrel-Cass, K. (Supervisor), Rosendahl, L. (CoI (co-investigator)), Hvelplund, F. (CoI (co-investigator)), Pedersen, T. H. (Andet), Gorroño-Albizu, L. (Projektdeltager), Godoy, J. D. (CoI (co-investigator)) & Andersen, A. O. (Supervisor)
EU - Horizon 2020 – Excellent Science - Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions
01/10/2017 → 30/09/2021
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Magtkampe og digitalisering i den grønne energiomstilling - med blockchain-teknologi og transmissionsforbindelsen Vinking Link som cases
Hasberg, K. S. (PI (principal investigator)), Hvelplund, F. (Supervisor), Røpke, I. (Andet), Boyer, D. (Andet) & Mitchell, C. (Andet)
01/06/2017 → 31/03/2020
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
From Foucauldian Biopower to Infopower and Energopower: A Review of Colin Koopman's and Dominic Boyer's Novel Conceptualizations of Power
Hasberg, K. S., 27 nov. 2019, I: Le foucaldien. 5(1), 7, s. 1-16 16 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
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Research note: Transitions with/in: Of doing insider research in the blockchain/energy community
Hasberg, K. S., 2019, 3 s.Publikation: Working paper/Preprint › Working paper › Forskning
Fil69 Downloads (Pure) -
Vom Verteilnetz zum Netz des Zusammenspiels: Zur neuen Rolle von Verteilnetzen in erneuerbaren Energiesystemen in Dänemark und Deutschland
Hasberg, K. S., 7 nov. 2019, I: Zeitschrift für neues Energierecht. 23, 5, s. 417-422 6 s.Bidragets oversatte titel :From distribution grid to interaction grid: On the new role of distribution grids in renewable energy systems in Denmark and Germany Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning
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Wie Blockchain den Energiemarkt der Zukunft gestalten kann
Hasberg, K. S.
1 element af Mediedækning
Ein neues Geschäftsmodell für Anlagenbetreiber
Hasberg, K. S.
1 element af Mediedækning