Towards a Metabolism of the (Im)Material: Transformations of an Urban Sink

Kemo Usto, Marie Frier Hvejsel, Camilla Brunsgaard

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


To minimize negative effects of the built environment on nature, circularity has become an important way to address this, calling upon us to narrow, slow and close material flows. In a Danish context there are currently an increasing number of examples of reuse and up-cycling in architecture, however, due to challenges of warranty, building law and public awareness along with challenges of finding buyers of waste materials represent major constraint. Furthermore, we have been limited to thinking of applying waste materials to new buildings. Introducing the notion, Urban Sink this paper explores ways to allow larger volumes of construction waste to be reused, asking what role urban spaces could play since outdoor spaces can ‘circumvent’ some of the challenges.
The paper uses the notion of an Urban Sink and tests it in a Design Scenario by way of Research by Design by applying theory and developing design ‘rules.’ The study uses chemical engineering concepts and combines with Tectonic theory to develop a material and immaterial metabolism of the Urban Sink.
The paper shows that the theory has potential for designing an Urban Sink for waste materials while providing experiential potentials – where together the material and immaterial aspects hold potential to increase use of waste materials. While there are potentials to apply waste material as urban spaces, still more research will be needed to refine steps and design ‘rules’, create more awareness and to find buyers which would increase reuse.
TitelConcepts of Transformation
RedaktørerAnne Elisabeth Toft, Magnus Rönn
ForlagThe Nordic Association of Architectural Research
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-91-983797-7-8
StatusUdgivet - 2023
NavnNordic Journal of Architectural Research


  • metabolism, tectonics, sink, industrial ecology


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