A framework for exploring and developing the power of care in social work

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This final chapter outlines a framework for understanding, exploring and developing the possibilities for care in social work with families. The framework is centred on the concept of solidary authority and the relational, emotional, temporal and spatial dimensions of practicing care. This chapter also addresses how this conceptual framework can be used for identifying dilemmas, as well as possibilities for social change in discourses, policies and practices of care. An analytical and visualised model is presented, explained and operationalised in terms of how it can be used for exploring and discussing the possibilities for care in social work with families in research and practice. Moreover, suggestions for further research are made and discussed.
TitelCare in Social Work with Children and Families : Theory, Everyday Practices and Possibilities for Social Change
RedaktørerMaria Appel Nissen, Mie Engen, Andreas Møller Jørgensen
Antal sider16
Publikationsdato21 apr. 2023
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-032-30871-5
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-1-003-30791-4
StatusUdgivet - 21 apr. 2023


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