A general statistical framework for the analysis of tendency survey data of the IFO type

Carsten Stig Poulsen, Lasse Bork, Jesper Lindgaard Christensen, Jacob Rubæk Holm, Morten Berg Jensen, Jørgen Stamhus

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First, the latent class (LC) model and its application to the Tendency
Survey are reviewed. Then we go on to the main focus in the paper: the application of the
latent Markov (LM) model to capture the dynamics in the Tendency Survey. The classes of the
static LC model are now seen as states in a dynamic model that allow individual (firms) to change
their state from one time to the next according to a Markov process. Stationary as well as nonstationary
models are admissible. Finally, in the concluding section we point to a more general class
of Markov models - the Mixed Latent Markov (MLM) with time-constant and time-varying covariates
- that offers a framework for Markov modelling that can be utilised in the further analyses of
the Tendency Survey.
TitelSymposium i anvendt statistik
RedaktørerPeter Linde
ForlagDanmarks Statistik
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-501-2171-8
StatusUdgivet - 2015
BegivenhedSymposium i Anvendt Statistik - Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Danmark
Varighed: 26 jan. 201528 jan. 2015
Konferencens nummer: 37


KonferenceSymposium i Anvendt Statistik
LokationDanmarks Tekniske Universitet


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