Balanced Conduction Loss Distribution among SMs in Modular Multilevel Converters

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Due to the parameter mismatch, the unbalanced power loss distribution among SMs in the modular multilevel converter (MMC) can be introduced and further deteriorated by the low-frequency asynchronous switching transients related to no-carrier modulation techniques. The unbalanced thermal stress can reduce the reliability of the MMC and increase the complexity of cooling system design. Nevertheless, an internal balance mechanism exists in the MMC thanks to the capacitor voltage balancing. It contributes to an even conduction loss dissipation among SMs, which is studied and revealed in this paper. Moreover, a computationally light conduction loss estimation method is proposed correspondingly relying on the characteristics of semiconductors and the arm current only. Simulations and experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness the proposed method.
Titel2018 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Niigata - ECCE Asia 2018
Antal sider6
ForlagIEEE Press
Publikationsdato22 okt. 2018
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-5386-4190-3
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-4-88686-405-5
StatusUdgivet - 22 okt. 2018
Begivenhed8th International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Niigata - ECCE Asia 2018 - Niigata, Japan
Varighed: 20 maj 201824 maj 2018


Konference8th International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Niigata - ECCE Asia 2018
SponsorIEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS), IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), IEEJ Industry Applications Society (IAS)


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