Bayesian Networks as a Decision Tool for O&M of Offshore Wind Turbines

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Costs to operation and maintenance (O&M) of offshore wind turbines are large. This paper presents how influence diagrams can be used to assist in rational decision making for O&M. An influence diagram is a graphical representation of a decision tree based on Bayesian Networks. Bayesian Networks offer efficient Bayesian updating of a damage model when imperfect information from inspections/monitoring is available. The extension to an influence diagram offers the calculation of expected utilities for decision alternatives, and can be used to find the optimal strategy among different alternatives. The method is demonstrated through application examples.
TitelASRANet : Integrating Structural Analysis, Risk & Reliability : 5th International ASRANet Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 14-16 June 2010
Antal sider8
ForlagASRANet Ltd.
ISBN (Elektronisk)9780955355066
StatusUdgivet - 2010


  • Wind Turbines
  • Offshore
  • Bayesian Networks


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